Regulated Professional Planner Member Roster

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
First Name Last Name Sort descending Organization Membership Type
Carol Bergum City of Spruce Grove RPP
Francisco Bermejo Flores Government of Alberta RPP
Campbell Berry City Of Calgary RPP
Carol-Ann Beswick City Of Calgary RPP
Kristi Beunder Township Planning + Design Inc. RPP
Brad Bevill City Of Calgary RPP
Anshuman Bhusari City Of Calgary Candidate
Elias Biolley-Villalobos Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo Candidate
Greg Birch Birch Consulting RPP
Waverley Birch self-employed RPP
Jeff Birchall University of Alberta RPP
Melanie Bishoff City Of Calgary RPP
Dustin Bisson Clearwater County RPP
Jihad Bitar City Of Calgary RPP
Eric Bjorge Town of Canmore RPP
Jennifer Black City Of Calgary RPP
Desmond Bliek City Of Calgary RPP
Margaretha Bloem Mountain View County RPP
Anastasia Blomgren City of Lethbridge Candidate
Hailey Bloom Stantec Candidate
Jaydean Boldt New Urban Design Group RPP
Aaron Bomback City Of Calgary RPP
Dan Boric City of Edmonton RPP
Micheal Borland Green Space Alliance RPP
Matthew Boscariol RPP
Alan Boucher BLV Development Management RPP
Sara Boulos City of Beaumont Candidate
Adrian Boyd self-employed RPP
Tyson Boylan City of Lethbridge RPP
David Boyle Government of Nunavut RPP
Julie Brache FAAS Architecture RPP
Janna Bradshaw Town of Canmore RPP
Anna Brassard Brassard Consulting RPP
Mitch Braun RPP
Shawn Bravender WSP Canada Inc. RPP