APPI In Person Event with NACITE - Edmonton's City Plan - Getting from Policy and Analysis to Action

 Registration is closed for this event

Edmonton’s City Plan was developed with a target of doubling Edmonton’s population to 
two million people over several decades. The City Plan is Edmonton's combined 
transportation master plan and municipal development plan. The development of this 
visionary planning document considered the integral choices that are related to growth 
such as where will people live, where jobs will be located, where services and amenities 
will be provided, and how people will access these opportunities. Understanding that the 
future is uncertain, different tools can help us to understand what those choices might 
look like in terms of the benefits and drawbacks associated with various land use and 
transportation permutations. Part of this is through evidence-based testing of possible 
growth scenarios and policy to demonstrate impacts at a city-wide scale. This is integral 
in order to ensure the relationships and interactions between land use and 
transportation are properly evaluated. Pablo and Howaida will discuss this development 
process of The City Plan and some of the corresponding implementation initiatives and 
programs underway to ensure the benefits for Edmontontians described in The City 
Plan begin to become reality. 

Howaida Hassan is a General Supervisor of Urban Growth with the City of Edmonton; the 
group responsible for implementing the growth management framework, advancing growth 
monitoring and analytics, and advancing infrastructure planning to support our strategic goals. Prior to this role, Howaida lead the development of strategic planning documents such as Edmonton's Goods Movement Strategy, Edmonton's first Electric Vehicle 
Strategy and Smart Transportation Action Plan. Most recently, Howaida was the General 
Supervisor on the development of The City Plan. Howaida is interested in the cross-section of city building, urban mobility and equity and how it shapes our cities and supports people. She earned her bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the University of Waterloo and is a registered professional engineer.

Pablo Orozco is a passionate transportation professional and Edmontonian. He is currently the General Supervisor for Mobility within the Planning and Environment Services Branch at the City of Edmonton. His experience includes working as a transportation engineer for The City Plan project where he co-lead a holistic analysis of Edmonton's mobility system and land use patterns as well as led the Mass Transit Study which identified the necessary mass transit network and policy for 2 million people. He has led the development of a Mobility Network Analysis and Mass Transit Planning work at the City of Edmonton both of which are implementation plans of the City Plan. He has also served as a Program Manager within the IIS department of the City of Edmonton. Pablo holds a Masters of Engineering from the University of Toronto where he interned at the Transportation 
Modelling Group led by Dr. Eric Miller. He is also P.Eng, PMP and ELITE certified.

This presentation qualifies for 1.0 structured learning unit.

Registration: 11:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Presentation: 12:00 to 1:00 PM
Hot Lunch Buffet

April 12th, 2022 from 11:30 AM to  1:00 PM
Papachase Room 2nd Floor
Faculty Club, University of Alberta
11435 Saskatchewan Drive
Edmonton, AB
Show large map
Event Fee(s)
APPI Member CA$37.00
NACITE Member CA$37.00
Non Member CA$40.00
Student CA$30.00