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For Immediate Release Thursday, November 23, 2017


APPI Bylaw Amendment 2017-1

The bylaw amendment to remove references to the Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) from APPI's bylaws, and specifically cease to make membership with CIP mandatory for APPI members, was passed by 65% voting in favour of the resolution.

The APPI bylaws state that resolutions which would normally be considered at a Special Meeting may be voted upon by regulated members by mail or electronic transmission or any other means, provided appropriate notice has been given, and that all regulated members may participate in the vote. The date by which votes are to be received is deemed to be the date of the Special Meeting as if one had been held.  A resolution must be passed by fifty (50) per cent plus one (1) of regulated members entitled to vote.

APPI Council is firmly committed to a continued and mutually beneficial relationship with CIP and believes that CIP has much to contribute to APPI’s members and the planning profession.  APPI and CIP are in the process of negotiating a strategic service agreement, which will define the services that CIP will provide, and how they will support APPI’s members in their professional practice.
The 2018 member renewal invoices will be issued via email in early December 2017.  Those invoices will include the member’s 2018 APPI fees, CIP fees, and the Professional Liability Insurance Premium (for Candidate and RPP Members).  Those members who do not wish to renew their CIP membership for 2018 will have the ability to opt out and will be issued a revised 2018 invoice with the CIP member fees removed. 
It is important to note that while a member in any APPI class may opt out of CIP membership for 2018, with respect specifically to regulated members:
1. Participation in the APPI Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) Program will be mandatory. 
2. Compliance with the APPI Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) program will remain mandatory.  CPL demonstrates to the public and the Government of Alberta that APPI is taking steps to ensure planning professionals are committed to ongoing professional learning and maintaining the highest standards of skills, knowledge and professionalism.
3. If you opt out of CIP membership, you will still be able to report your CPL activities using CIP's system.
In addition, any APPI members who opt out of CIP membership for 2018 may at any time during 2018 or beyond, upon request to APPI, be reinstated as a member of CIP with no applicable re-application or re-certification process or fees.  


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APPI Mission Statement
We are the face of the planning profession within Alberta, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. 
​We serve the public interest by providing regulation, advocacy, promotion 
and services for our members.

Alberta Professional Planners Institute
PO Box 3099
Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2T1
Phone: 780.435.8716
Toll Free: 888.286.8716
Fax: 780.452.7718
email: [email protected]
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